Important Disclosures

In any instance where distribution of this communication (“Communication”) is subject to the rules of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), this communication constitutes an invitation to consider entering into a derivatives transaction under US CFTC Regulations §§ 1.71 and 23.605, where applicable, but is not a binding offer to buy/sell any financial instrument.

Citi Private Bank, Citi Global Wealth at Work, Citi Personal Wealth Management, and Citi Personal Investments International, are businesses of Citigroup Inc. (“Citigroup”), which provide clients access to a broad array of products and services available through bank and non-bank affiliates of Citigroup. Not all products and services are provided by all affiliates or are available at all locations. In the U.S., investment products and services are provided by Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (“CGMI”), member FINRA and SIPC, Citi Private Alternatives, LLC (“CPA”), member FINRA and SIPC, and Citi Global Alternatives, LLC (“CGA”). CPA acts as distributor of certain alternative investment products to certain eligible clients’ segments. CGMI accounts are carried by Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC. Investment management services (including portfolio management) are available through CGMI, CGA, Citibank, N.A. and other affiliated advisory businesses. Insurance is offered by Citi Personal Wealth Management through Citigroup Life Agency LLC (“CLA”). In California, CLA does business as Citigroup Life Insurance Agency, LLC (license number 0G56746). CGMI, CPA, CGA, CLA and Citibank, N.A. are affiliated companies under the common control of Citigroup. 

Outside the U.S., investment products and services are provided by other Citigroup affiliates. Investment Management services (including portfolio management) are available through CGMI, CGA, Citibank, N.A. and other affiliated advisory businesses. These Citigroup affiliates, including CGA, will be compensated for the respective investment management, advisory, administrative, distribution and placement services they may provide. 

The information in this Communication is not intended to constitute “research”, as that term is defined by applicable regulations. Unless otherwise indicated, any reference to a research report or research recommendation is not intended to represent the whole report and is not in itself considered a recommendation or research report.

This Communication is provided for information and discussion purposes only. Unless otherwise indicated, (i) it does not constitute an offer or recommendation to purchase or sell any security, financial instrument or other product or service, or to attract any funding or deposits, and (ii) it does not constitute a solicitation if it is not subject to the rules of the CFTC (but see discussion above regarding communication subject to CFTC rules) and (iii) it is not intended as an official confirmation of any transaction.

Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this Communication does not take into account the investment objectives, risk profile or financial situation of any particular person and as such, investments mentioned in this document may not be suitable for all investors. Citi is not acting as an investment or other advisor, fiduciary or agent. The information contained herein is not intended to be an exhaustive discussion of the strategies or concepts mentioned herein or tax or legal advice. Recipients of this Communication should obtain advice based on their own individual circumstances from their own tax, financial, legal, and other advisors about the risks and merits of any transaction before making an investment decision, and only make such decisions on the basis of their own objectives, experience, risk profile and resources.

The information contained in this Communication is based on generally available information and, although obtained from sources believed by Citi to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot be assured, and such information may be incomplete or condensed. Any assumptions or information contained in this Communication constitute a judgment only as of the date of this document or on any specified dates and is subject to change without notice. Insofar as this Communication may contain historical and forward-looking information, past performance is neither a guarantee nor an indication of future results, and future results may not meet expectations due to a variety of economic, market and other factors. Further, any projections of potential risk or return are illustrative and should not be taken as limitations of the maximum possible loss or gain. Any prices, values or estimates provided in this Communication (other than those that are identified as being historical) are indicative only, may change without notice and do not represent firm quotes as to either price or size, nor reflect the value Citi may assign a security in its inventory. Forward looking information does not indicate a level at which Citi is prepared to do a trade and may not account for all relevant assumptions and future conditions. Actual conditions may vary substantially from estimates which could have a negative impact on the value of an instrument.

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Investments in financial instruments or other products carry significant risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Financial instruments or other products denominated in a foreign currency are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may have an adverse effect on the price or value of an investment in such products. This Communication does not purport to identify all risks or material considerations which may be associated with entering into any transaction.

Structured products can be highly illiquid and are not suitable for all investors. Additional information can be found in the disclosure documents of the issuer for each respective structured product described herein. Investing in structured products is intended only for experienced and sophisticated investors who are willing and able to bear the high economic risks of such an investment. Investors should carefully review and consider potential risks before investing.

OTC derivative transactions involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Investment products are not insured, carry no bank or government guarantee, and may lose value. Before entering into these transactions, you should: (i) ensure that you have obtained and considered relevant information from independent reliable sources concerning the financial, economic and political conditions of the relevant markets; (ii) determine that you have the necessary knowledge, sophistication and experience in financial, business and investment matters to be able to evaluate the risks involved, and that you are financially able to bear such risks; and (iii) determine, having considered the foregoing points, that capital markets transactions are suitable and appropriate for your financial, tax, business and investment objectives.

This material may mention options regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Before buying or selling options you should obtain and review the current version of the Options Clearing Corporation booklet, Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy of the booklet can be obtained upon request from Citigroup Global Markets Inc., 390 Greenwich Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013. 

If you buy options, the maximum loss is the premium. If you sell put options, the risk is the entire notional below the strike. If you sell call options, the risk is unlimited. The actual profit or loss from any trade will depend on the price at which the trades are executed. The prices used herein are historical and may not be available when you order is entered. Commissions and other transaction costs are not considered in these examples. Option trades in general and these trades in particular may not be appropriate for every investor. Unless noted otherwise, the source of all graphs and tables in this report is Citi. Because of the importance of tax considerations to all option transactions, the investor considering options should consult with his/her tax advisor as to how their tax situation is affected by the outcome of contemplated options transactions.

Bond rating equivalence


Bond rating equivalence

Bond credit quality ratings

Rating agencies

Credit risk Moody's1 Standard and Poor's2 Fitch Ratings2

Investment Grade

Highest quality Aaa AAA AAA
High quality (very strong) Aa AA AA
Upper medium grade (strong) A A A
Medium grade Baa BBB BBB

Not Investment Grade

Lower medium grade (somewhat speculative) Ba BB BB
Low grade (speculative)  B B B
Poor quality (may default) Caa CCC CCC
Most speculative Ca CC CC
No interest being paid or bankruptcy petition filed C D C
In default C D D

Alpha and/or numeric symbols used to give indications of relative credit quality. In the municipal market, these designations are published by the rating services. Internal ratings are also used by other market participants to indicate credit quality.

1 The ratings from Aa to Ca by Moody's may be modified by the addition of a 1, 2, or 3 to show relative standing within the category.

2 The ratings from AA to CC by Standard and Poor's and Fitch Ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus or a minus to show relative standing within the category.


Bonds are affected by a number of risks, including fluctuations in interest rates, credit risk and prepayment risk. In general, as prevailing interest rates rise, fixed income securities prices will fall. Bonds face credit risk if a decline in an issuer’s credit rating, or creditworthiness, causes a bond’s price to decline. High yield bonds are subject to additional risks such as increased risk of default and greater volatility because of the lower credit quality of the issues. Finally, bonds can be subject to prepayment risk. When interest rates fall, an issuer may choose to borrow money at a lower interest rate, while paying off its previously issued bonds. As a consequence, underlying bonds will lose the interest payments from the investment and will be forced to reinvest in a market where prevailing interest rates are lower than when the initial investment was made.

(MLP’s) - Energy Related MLPs May Exhibit High Volatility. While not historically very volatile, in certain market environments Energy Related MLPS may exhibit high volatility.

Changes in Regulatory or Tax Treatment of Energy Related MLPs. If the IRS changes the current tax treatment of the master limited partnerships included in the Basket of Energy Related MLPs thereby subjecting them to higher rates of taxation, or if other regulatory authorities enact regulations which negatively affect the ability of the master limited partnerships to generate income or distribute dividends to holders of common units, the return on the Notes, if any, could be dramatically reduced. Investment in a basket of Energy Related MLPs may expose the investor to concentration risk due to industry, geographical, political, and regulatory concentration.

Mortgage-backed securities ("MBS"), which include collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs"), also referred to as real estate mortgage investment conduits ("REMICs"), may not be suitable for all investors. There is the possibility of early return of principal due to mortgage prepayments, which can reduce expected yield and result in reinvestment risk. Conversely, return of principal may be slower than initial prepayment speed assumptions, extending the average life of the security up to its listed maturity date (also referred to as extension risk).

Additionally, the underlying collateral supporting non-Agency MBS may default on principal and interest payments. In certain cases, this could cause the income stream of the security to decline and result in loss of principal. Further, an insufficient level of credit support may result in a downgrade of a mortgage bond's credit rating and lead to a higher probability of principal loss and increased price volatility. Investments in subordinated MBS involve greater credit risk of default than the senior classes of the same issue. Default risk may be pronounced in cases where the MBS security is secured by, or evidencing an interest in, a relatively small or less diverse pool of underlying mortgage loans.

MBS are also sensitive to interest rate changes which can negatively impact the market value of the security. During times of heightened volatility, MBS can experience greater levels of illiquidity and larger price movements. Price volatility may also occur from other factors including, but not limited to, prepayments, future prepayment expectations, credit concerns, underlying collateral performance and technical changes in the market.

An investment in alternative investments can be highly illiquid, is speculative and not suitable for all investors. Investing in alternative investments is for experienced and sophisticated investors who are willing to bear the high economic risks associated with such an investment.  Investors should carefully review and consider potential risks before investing. Certain of these risks may include:

  • loss of all or a substantial portion of the investment due to leveraging, short-selling, or other speculative practices;
  • lack of liquidity in that there may be no secondary market for the fund and none is expected to develop;
  • volatility of returns;
  • restrictions on transferring interests in the Fund;
  • potential lack of diversification and resulting higher risk due to concentration of trading authority when a single advisor is utilized;
  • absence of information regarding valuations and pricing;
  • complex tax structures and delays in tax reporting;
  • less regulation and higher fees than mutual funds; and
  • manager risk.

Individual funds will have specific risks related to their investment programs that will vary from fund to fund.

Asset allocation does not assure a profit or protect against a loss in declining financial markets.

The indices are unmanaged. An investor cannot invest directly in an index. They are shown for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the performance of any specific investment. Index returns do not include any expenses, fees or sales charges, which would lower performance.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

International investing entails greater risk, as well as greater potential rewards compared to US investing. These risks include political and economic uncertainties of foreign countries as well as the risk of currency fluctuations. These risks are magnified in countries with emerging markets, since these countries may have relatively unstable governments and less established markets and economics.

Investing in smaller companies involves greater risks not associated with investing in more established companies, such as business risk, significant stock price fluctuations and illiquidity.

Factors affecting commodities generally, index components composed of futures contracts on nickel or copper, which are industrial metals, may be subject to a number of additional factors specific to industrial metals that might cause price volatility. These include changes in the level of industrial activity using industrial metals (including the availability of substitutes such as manmade or synthetic substitutes); disruptions in the supply chain, from mining to storage to smelting or refining; adjustments to inventory; variations in production costs, including storage, labor and energy costs; costs associated with regulatory compliance, including environmental regulations; and changes in industrial, government and consumer demand, both in individual consuming nations and internationally. Index components concentrated in futures contracts on agricultural products, including grains, may be subject to a number of additional factors specific to agricultural products that might cause price volatility. These include weather conditions, including floods, drought and freezing conditions; changes in government policies; planting decisions; and changes in demand for agricultural products, both with end users and as inputs into various industries.

The information contained herein is not intended to be an exhaustive discussion of the risks, strategies or concepts mentioned herein or tax or legal advice. Readers interested in the strategies or concepts should consult their tax, legal, or other advisors, as appropriate.

Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss. Different asset classes present different risks.

For US clients, trust services are provided by one of the following entities: Citibank, N.A.; Citicorp Trust South Dakota; or Citicorp Trust Delaware, N.A.

For clients who are neither residents nor citizens of the US, trust services are provided by one of the following entities: Cititrust Private Trust (Cayman) Limited, Cititrust Private Trust Zurich GmbH, Cititrust (Bahamas) Limited, Cititrust (Cayman) Limited, Cititrust (Jersey) Limited, Cititrust (Singapore) Limited, Cititrust (Switzerland) Limited or Citicorp Trust Delaware, N.A.

Cititrust (Jersey) Limited, whose contact details are P.O. Box 728, 38 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8ZT, Channel Islands, telephone number + 44 1534 608000 is licensed by the Jersey Financial Services Commission for the conduct of Trust Company Business.

The service providers are referred to collectively as “Citi Trust”. Neither Citigroup nor any of its affiliates provide tax or legal advice.

Citi Trust sponsors the Wealth Transfer Planning and Insurance Referral Program, whereby clients are referred to third party insurance specialist brokers for wealth transfer planning, and life insurance solutions. Brokers who may or may not be locally licensed or authorized in the client’s country of residence, must comply with applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where they conduct an activity. Citi Private Bank does not sell insurance products directly to clients under the Wealth Transfer Planning and Insurance Referral Program.

This document is made available for general guidance only. The information contained herein is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion of legal or tax advice of the strategies or concepts described. Interested clients should consult their tax and/or legal advisors. This document contains a summary of rules and planning techniques that are complex and subject to change. Citigroup companies may compensate their affiliates and representatives for providing products and services to clients.

Citigroup Inc. and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. To the extent that this material or any attachment concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used and cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and sustainable investing may limit the type and number of investment opportunities, and, as a result may affect performance relative to other approaches that do not impose similar sustainability criteria. Sustainable investment products are subject to availability. Certain sustainable investment opportunities may not be available in all regions or not available at all. No guarantee is provided regarding the financial or sustainability performance of such products and the products may not meet their investment or sustainability objectives.

Country Disclosures

Citibank, N.A. is incorporated in the United States of America and its principal regulators are the US Office of the Comptroller of Currency and Federal Reserve under US laws, which differ from Australian laws. Citibank, N.A. does not hold an Australian Financial Services license under the Corporations Act 2001 as it enjoys the benefit of an exemption under ASIC Class Order CO 03/1101 (remade as ASIC Corporations (Repeal and Transitional) Instrument 2016/396 and extended by ASIC Corporations (Amendment) Instrument 2024/497).

In the United Kingdom, Citibank N.A., London Branch (registered branch number BR001018), Citigroup Centre, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LB, is authorized and regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (USA) and authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. The contact number for Citibank N.A., London Branch is +44 (0)20 7508 8000.

Citibank Europe plc (UK Branch) is a branch of Citibank Europe plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and the European Central Bank. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Citibank Europe plc, UK Branch is registered as a branch in the register of companies for England and Wales with registered branch number BR017844. Its registered address is Citigroup Centre, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB. VAT No.: GB 429 6256 29. Citibank Europe plc is registered in Ireland with number 132781, with its registered office at 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1. Citibank Europe plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Ultimately owned by Citigroup Inc., New York, USA. 

Citibank Europe plc, Luxembourg Branch, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B 200204, is a branch of Citibank Europe plc. It is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central bank and the Central Bank of Ireland. It is furthermore subject to limited regulation by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the CSSF) in its role as host Member State authority and registered with the CSSF under number B00000395. Its business office is at 31, Z.A. Bourmicht, 8070 Bertrange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Citibank Europe plc is registered in Ireland with company registration number 132781. It is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland under the reference number C26553 and supervised by the European Central Bank. Its registered office is at 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. 

In Jersey, this document is communicated by Citibank N.A., Jersey Branch which has its registered address at PO Box 104, 38 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8QB. Citibank N.A., Jersey Branch is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Citibank N.A. Jersey Branch is a participant in the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for eligible deposits of up to £50,000. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available on the States of Jersey website, or on request.

Citi may offer, issue, distribute or provide other services in relation to certain unsecured financial instruments issued or entered into by BRRD Entities (i.e., EU entities within the scope of Directive 2014/59/EU (the BRRD), including EU credit institutions, certain EU investment firms and / or their EU subsidiaries or parents) (BRRD Financial Instruments).

In various jurisdictions (including, without limitation, the European Union and the United States) national authorities have certain powers to manage and resolve banks, broker dealers and other financial institutions (including, but not limited to, Citi) when they are failing or likely to fail. There is a risk that the use, or anticipated use, of such powers, or the manner in which they are exercised, may materially adversely affect (i) your rights under certain types of unsecured financial instruments (including, without limitation, BRRD Financial Instruments), (ii) the value, volatility or liquidity of certain unsecured financial instruments (including, without limitation, BRRD Financial Instruments) that you hold and / or (iii) the ability of an institution (including, without limitation, a BRRD Entity) to satisfy any liabilities or obligations it has to you. In the event of resolution, the value of BRRD Financial Instruments may be reduced to zero and or liabilities may be converted into ordinary shares or other instruments of ownership for the purposes of stabilisation and loss absorption. The terms of existing BRRD Financial Instruments (e.g., date of maturity or interest rates payable) could be altered and payments could be suspended.

There can be no assurance that the use of any BRRD resolution tools or powers by the BRRD Resolution Authority or the manner in which they are exercised will not materially adversely affect your rights as a holder of BRRD Financial Instruments, the market value of any investment you may have in BRRD Financial Instruments and/or a BRRD Entity’s ability to satisfy any liabilities or obligations it has to you. You may have a right to compensation from the relevant authorities if the exercise of such resolution powers results in less favourable treatment for you than the treatment that you would have received under normal insolvency proceedings. By accepting any services from Citi, you confirm that you are aware of these risks. 

CitiGold / CitiGold Private Client Market Specific Disclosures:

This communication is for general information only, is not intended as a recommendation or an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any products or services and should not be relied upon as financial advice. The information herein has not taken account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. Any person considering an investment should consider the suitability of the investment having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs, and should seek independent advice before making an investment decision. You should obtain and consider the relevant product terms and conditions and risk disclosure statement, and consider if it’s suitable for your objectives, financial situation or needs before making any investment decision. Investors are advised to obtain independent legal, financial and taxation advice prior to investing.

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Before making any investment, each investor must obtain the investment offering materials, which include a description of the risks, fees and expenses and the performance history, if any, which may be considered in connection with making an investment decision. Interested investors should seek the advice of their financial adviser about the issues discussed herein as appropriate. Should investors choose not to seek such advice, they should carefully consider the risks associated with the investment and make a determination based upon the investor’s own particular circumstances, that the investment is consistent with the investor’s investment objectives and assess whether the investment product is suitable for themselves. Although information in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, CSL does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and accept no liability for any direct or consequential losses arising from its use.

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Citibank N.A., Jersey Branch is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Citi International Personal Bank is registered in Jersey as a business name of Citibank N.A. The address of Citibank N.A., Jersey Branch is P.O. Box 104, 38 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8QB. Citibank N.A. is incorporated with limited liability in the USA. Head office: 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10043, USA.

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